HCGWS’s own Voie Sacrée ("Sacred Way")
Our journey down the Sacred Way started in 2019, with the Committee deciding to run a trip to Verdun in May 2020. A Coach, Hotel and Channel Crossing were booked and our two guides, Terry and Jim, started writing their scripts.
Then came Covid. The trip in 2020 was cancelled, as was its replacement in 2021. A last attempt was to be made in 2022. Fortunately, the threat of covid receded and the restrictions were lifted in time for us to go ahead with the 2022 trip.
We arrived at Police HQ at 6am on the Friday 6th May, delighted to see Colin at the wheel of our big green Dews coach. A long journey ensued, stopping at Folkstone for the Channel crossing by train and for lunch at St Quentin.
At St Quentin Terry also gave a presentation about the British Surrender 1914 in the main square.
We then travelled on to our billet. The Hotel Orchidees on the outskirts of Verdun.